A downloadable game

A 2D platformer where you turn pixilated one day and you have to escape the loop and collect as many coins as you can to win.

INSTRUCTIONS: Download the zip and play the game. That's it. No fancy extracting and stuff, just download and play.

GAMEPLAY: There is currently 4 stages with 3 levels each respectivally (I know I suck at spelling lol) The game has controller support and keyboard support. The controls are: A-D/Joystick/Arrow Keys/DPad : Move A/Space : Jump (The game doesn't support UI buttons for the menus at the time, so you have to use your mouse or arrow keys. Sorry. If you fall, you die. Coins have no effect in the gameplay yet, they only add a scoreboard on the top right for how many you have

SUPPORT: The game is only available on Windows at the moment. We may add support to Android and Mac in the near future, but it isn't guarenteed.

MENU: Freeplay: Choose any stage and level of your choice. Story Mode: Start at Level One and continue without dying. if youn die, It's gameover. You will have to restart. Options: Not much yet, currently, you can only change the volume, but there will be more tabs at a later date. News: I post the latest updates here, but they will also be in the readme for the newest releases.

CONCLUSION: We are still in development, so there are some flaws in the game still. Join our discord to catch up on more updates: https://discord.gg/QfnK63vFdg My YouTube channel is where I may post trailers and stuff for it, along with my animations, so subscribe to that aswell. : https://www.youtube.com/@notverzee/featured So in conclusion, thanks for downloading, and enjoy the game!


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